
Below is a list of the Networked Mobilities Lab's ongoing projects. If you are interested in contibuting to any of these these projects, please email or contact us via our Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook.

Digital Practices for Safety

This project will collect and publish stories from San Antonio women about their use of digital technologies to keep safe while moving about the city. These stories will be published in an online, open-access repository and made accessible to the public. This project emerges from the need to better understand how digital technologies are used for safety, shape mobilities, perceptions of safety, and actual safety in urban spaces. It also responds to material and social conditions within San Antonio that impact women's mobilities and their sense of personal safety.

The project team includes: Dr. Ragan Glover (PI, Faculty Fellow, UTSA), Dr. Melissa Stone (Project Advisor, Appalachian State University), and Victoria Riojas (Graduate Student Fellow, UTSA). Funding was received by the University of Texas at San Antonio's Digital Initiatives program. Digital Practices for Safety is currently under development and anticipates launching in Spring 2024. 

Mobile Networked Creativity

Mobile Networked Creativity (MNC) highlights how unplanned uses of mobile technologies reveal creative practices, especially where people have limited access to technologies. It is a creative process that is not concerned with the creation of new things. Rather, it is about the mobility of and networking of resources that can improve lives and facilitate survival strategies.


OnSite (2009) explores the construction of Hybrid Reality Games (HRGs) for entertainment and educational purposes. HRGs are location-based games that take place simultaneously in two spaces: a digital online space and a physical environment.

Physical Collection

We are proud to present our physical collection of the NML. Our physical collection consists of popular gaming consoles used throughout 1975 to 2008. Examples of some of the consoles you might see in our collection include the GameBoy and Nintendo DS to name a few. We would love to grow our collection as we accept donations from anyone willing to part with their old consoles.

Retro Mobile Gaming Database

The Retro Mobile Gaming Database (RMGD) contains a collection of mobile games from 1975 to 2008. This database allows users to search games by multiple search criteria including title, year developed, type of game, and more. This robust search system will help researchers not only to find games but also to create new correlations among historical types of mobile games.

Video Series

Professors from around the world answer this one question: what is a mobile game? See how these professors approach this question with their own knowledge and expertise.