The Physical Collection

November 10th, 2021, on the 2nd Floor of Winston Hall, NC State University.

We are proud to present the physical collection of the Networked Mobilites Lab!  This collection consists of popular gaming consoles from throughout 1975 to 2008. Examples of some of the consoles that you might see in our collection include the GameBoy and Nintendo DS. We accept donations from anyone that is willing to part with their used consoles.

For more information, contact us via email and be sure to check out our affiliated project, the Retro Mobile Gaming Database.

Archived News

BuzzFeed Quiz

October 22nd, 2021, on BuzzFeed.

What kind of mobile gamer are you? You've likely devoted plenty of time to games like Pokemon Go and Angry Birds, but have you ever wondered about mobile games from the not-so-distant past? Answer the questions in this quiz and it'll pair you with a retro mobile game from the Retro Mobile Gaming Database, a collection of mobile games from 1975 to 2008, created by the Networked Mobilities Lab at North Carolina State University. 

Check out our quiz by clicking the link!

NML Lecture Series (Spring 2021)

Wednesday, April 7, 2021, from 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. 

Join us for the Networked Mobilities Lab Lecture Series (Spring 2021) webinar! To celebrate the release of the Retro Mobile Gaming Database, this webinar will feature scholars whose research is at the intersection of mobile games, archives, and history. The talks will explore the history of touch-based mobile game interfaces and how Pokemon Go contributes to the creation of digital memory.

For more information, visit our webpage.

Archived News

The Release of the Retro Mobile Gaming Database

On February 1st, 2021, we released our Retro Mobile Gaming Database (RMDB), an online, publicly searchable database of early mobile games from 1975-2008. This database allows users to search games by multiple search criteria including title, year developed, type of game, and more. This robust search system will help researchers not only to find games but also to create new correlations among historical types of mobile games.

If you know of a game not currently in the database, you can help to populate our database by suggesting a new game. We hope for this to be a robust resource for game scholars, students interested in games, and game enthusiasts to learn about the history of mobile games!